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by | Sep 23, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset

Faith is about belief. Mindset is about belief.

mindset cause and effect-2For a Christian, the two are the same thing.

You can’t believe something in a “faith” sense and not have it impact your mindset. They are intertwined, inseparable.

What you belief (your mindset) is the sum total of what you think about yourself, life, people, and God.

And you can’t “believe but not act” and expect that belief to have much impact on your mindset. It just doesn’t work that way.

Listen in to this Periscope session where I chat about the importance of putting your mindset to work (in the faith WITH works way) and what it can do for you.

periI’d love for you to join me “live” on Periscope each weekday morning, 8AM mountain time for CHRISTIAN MINDSET RESET.

Most of the fun of it is that there’s a way for you to interact, ask your questions, take part in the discussion, etc. How can you join me?

  • Watch live, M-F at 8AM Mountain time here:
  • Or download the app from the same site and watch on your smart device. If you follow me (CareyGreen) you’ll receive notifications each time I “go live.” (sounds impressive, doesn’t it?)