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by | Nov 11, 2022 | Blog Casserole

Two Johns (Piper & MacArthur)

Two of the most consistent Bible teachers out there happen to be named John. John Piper and John MacArthur. I’ve benefitted greatly from both men over the years and appreciated this Q&A session they participated in recently at a conference where both of them werer speakers.


Walk all over human trafficking

A man I’ve known “online” for many years is named E.S. “Taz” Bright, a genuine brother in the Lord and talented poet.

He’s developed a fundraiser to support the fight against human trafficking through the sales of custom, Italian-made shoes.

They are classic derby style with rubber soles and are pretty cool.

You can check out those shoes and a couple of other styles here.

More from my reading on prayer

Andrew Murray’s book on prayer, “With Christ in the School of Prayer” (affliate link) is continuing to challenge me in my pursuit of a stronger prayer life. Here are a handful of quotes from the book that have got me thinking…

God is a Spirit: He is the Everlasting and Unchangeable One; what He is, He is always and in truth. Our worship must also be in spirit and truth: His worship must be the spirit of our life; our life must be worship in spirit as God is Spirit.

And again…

The light that shines in the closet must be the light of the Father’s countenance. The fresh air from heaven with which Jesus would have it filled, the atmosphere in which we are to breathe and pray, is God’s Father-love, God’s infinite fatherliness. Therefore, each thought or petition we pray will be simple, hearty, childlike trust in the Father. This is how the Master teaches us to pray; He brings us into the Father’s living presence.


Christians often complain that private prayer is not what it should be. They feel weak and sinful; the heart is cold and dark; it is as if they have so little to pray for, and in that little, they have no faith or joy. They are discouraged and kept from prayer by the thought that they cannot come to the Father as they should or as they wish. Child of God, listen to your Teacher. He tells you that when you go to private prayer, your first thought must be: Thy Father who is in secret; the Father waits for me there. If your heart is cold and prayerless, you even more urgently must go into the presence of the loving Father. As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities you. Do not think of how little you have to bring to God but of how much He wants to give to you. Just place yourself before Him and look up into His face; think of His love – His wonderful, tender, pitying love. Just tell Him how sinful and cold and dark everything is. The Father’s loving heart will give light and warmth to yours.

And a final one for now…

The blessing of the closet does not depend on the strong or the fervent feeling with which I pray, but upon the love and the power of the Father to whom I entrust my needs.

“It is easier to discover your (spiritual) gifts through ministry than it is to discover your ministry through your gifts. In other words, don’t wait until you know what your gifts are until you get involved in some sort of ministry. As you get involved in ministry you will more easily find your gift.”

From my 19-lesson spiritual growth notebook, Moving Toward God.