Not A Needy Person is no longer accepting donations or meeting needs, but...

The testimony of what God did through it is nothing short of AWESOME!

Beginning December 6, 2020, only 9 months into the worldwide shutdown due to the COVID scare, Not A Needy Person was launched.

Our goal was simple:

1) Create an opportunity for believers in Christ who are in tangible physical need to submit those needs for consideration.

2) When vetted and approved, we would make their needs available for other believers in Christ to give toward, in whatever increments they were able.

We took our name and approach from the description of how believers in the early church cared for each other as moved by the Holy Spirit…

There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles’ feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need. – Acts 4:34-35

In the 3 years that Not A Needy Person was in existence, God did the following...

# of needs met

Total $ amount given

If you are among those who gave to the needs we presented...


The catalytic moment when people receive God’s generous help in such tangible ways was used of Him.

YOU were used of Him.

Thank you for your generosity, your care and concern, and your obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

Public record of Not A Needy Person's history...

Needs met to date (click to open) ➠➠


    He is trusting the Lord to provide during this time. Most of his paycheck goes to paying bills. But now he has car repairs that are needed. We would love to help him with those repairs and to give some relief to his tight financial situation.

    $425.00 donated of $400.00 goal

    Bills have built up due to the husband losing his job and helping a friend, financially, out of his homeless situation. The friend has not been able to pay them back. The husband now is working full-time, the wife has two part-time jobs. They are behind on bills but the most pressing is their mortgage payment that needs to be paid by August. We would love to help this family to feel and know the love and generosity of our Lord by helping them catch up on their mortgage.

    $2,000.10 donated of $2,000.00 goal

    The economy and inflation has been very bad in Nigeria for a while now. His parents lost their poultry farm due to the price of the chicken feed being too expensive. This family is hoping to be able to get their business back and running. They also have great need for basic daily provisions at this time. We hope to bring them great joy through God’s generosity shown to them through NANP.

    $2,000.00 donated of $2,000.00 goal

    The husband is disabled and does not work. The wife is his full-time care-giver and also works part-time. They have 3 children, 2 of which have mental health issues. Dealing with ADD/ADHD and depressive tendencies. The wife also cares for her father who is in heart failure, driving him to the VA appts one hour away. They live in a 68 year old home with tarps on the roof to keep out the rain. They are in desperate need of a new roof. We would love to help this family that seems to have so many heavy burdens on a…

    $12,988.63 donated of $12,900.00 goal

    Her car is broken down and not able to drive very far. And because of other unexpected financial needs she is not able to get it fixed. We would love to be able to help her so that her boyfriend can buy the parts and fix her car. And so that she can finish school without the concern of an unreliable car. We would love to bless her through God’s generous provision.

    $1,000.00 donated of $1,000.00 goal

    She was formerly living in a shelter but the Lord has provided for her a place to live. She grew up as a Jehovah’s Witness, but has come to know the Lord as her Savior. She is unable to work due to health issues. Thankfully, she is able to have support from Social Security. She is desiring to start afresh in her life by paying off some bills and to also take a layman Bible Study class on how to study and understand the Bible better. Her desire is to be able to learn more of the Bible so that…

    $800.00 donated of $800.00 goal

    Although they were separated because of him having an affair, the young woman had to pay for much of the funeral expenses. She was not prepared to do that and had to take out loans and use up her savings. At this time she is working 3 jobs to help pay back what she borrowed. We would love to bless her by paying off those loans for her.

    $5,000.00 donated of $5,000.00 goal

    She missed a couple days of work making her paycheck smaller. At the same time, her rent went up. She had to pay rent first, and is needing help to pay her insurance. We’d love to be a blessing in showing God’s kindness by helping her with this bill.

    $300.00 donated of $300.00 goal

    This young woman has endured a lot of emotional and physical abuse in the past but is hopeful to be able to give her children a different life, with the help of the Lord. She unexpectedly lost her job and has very little family support. She is needing help with her rent and car payment. We are trusting the Lord to show her His love and to provide for these needs.

    $1,500.63 donated of $1,500.00 goal

    He is at the end of a hard and messy struggle to get custody of his daughters who are being mistreated and sometimes physically abused by his ex-wife. The father is having trouble in paying his basic bills because of the court fees. There is a last evaluation that he needs to pay for that will hopefully end this trial. We want to pass hope onto this father through the generosity of the Lord for we know He is at work doing what is best for these daughters.

    $5,000.00 donated of $5,000.00 goal

Click here to see all donors to date ➠

Most recent donations listed first

Comments below names are from the donor to the recipient


  1. Jason Zenger

  2. Jason Zenger

  3. David and Patti Fredrickson

  4. Staci Vestring

    I listen to the podcast daily and god put this on my heart.
  5. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  6. Hunter Yeats

  7. Anonymous

  8. Anonymous

  9. Anonymous

  10. Karen Walzel

  11. Anonymous

    Things may be really hard right now but God has a plan and he is working all things out. Trust his plan and continue to rest in Jesus ❤️
  12. Anonymous

  13. Anonymous

  14. Anonymous

  15. Jonathan William Barreca

  16. Anonymous

    I just want to say I hope you all know how loved you are, God is with you every step of the way, even when it doesn’t feel like it. I love you, and so does He.
  17. Anonymous

  18. Fletcher Schmiedt

  19. Anonymous

  20. Anonymous

    God Bless
  21. Anonymous

  22. John Turnburke

  23. Anonymous

    We pray that the Lord blesses your family and the evil spirits at work to destroy you and your family flee in the face of our almighty God. Keep the faith. HE has this under control.
  24. Anonymous

  25. Anonymous

  26. Anonymous

  27. Asia Yu

    And Proverbs 3:9 (NIV) says, “Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops.”
  28. Michele Chapman

  29. Fletcher Schmiedt

  30. Fletcher Schmiedt

  31. Lori Masucci

    The Morning Mindset community is so blessed - this is a wonderful way to support those in need
  32. Lindsay Bonnett

  33. Anonymous

    Whatever you are doing for fellow believers, you are doing for Jesus.
  34. Anonymous

  35. Andrew Tsinkelis

    God Bless, sorry it’s not much but it’s the best that I can do <3
  36. Anonymous

  37. Lisa Cox

    Hope things get better!!
  38. Anonymous

  39. Rebecca Palaniuk

    God has blessed me with all I need so feel the need to help someone else
  40. Anonymous

    Prayers for you and your children.
  41. Julie Foster

    God has blessed me financially and mentally I would like to share.
  42. Carlton Huffman

  43. Anonymous

  44. Anonymous

    God Bless
  45. Anonymous

    God Blessing
  46. Van Munn

  47. Anonymous

  48. Anonymous

  49. Anonymous

  50. Theresa Hendren

  51. Anonymous

  52. Seaborn Campbell

    Praying for the family.
  53. Anonymous

    Will pray that this mother finds strength in the Lord to take care of herself and her children
  54. Anonymous

  55. Anonymous

  56. Rick Brooks

  57. Claudette M Bettner

  58. Anonymous

  59. Anonymous

  60. Trevor Muzzy

  61. Jason Zenger

  62. David and Patti Fredrickson

  63. Anonymous

  64. Anonymous

  65. Anonymous

  66. Timothy Sasnett

  67. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  68. Fletcher Schmiedt

  69. Fletcher Schmiedt

  70. Hunter Yeats

  71. Meishon Gipson

    It's hard being a mother let alone a single mother. You have endured a lot but stand strong and keep faith. God will deliver you from your situation.
  72. Jonathan William Barreca

  73. Anonymous

    God Bless you to put this donation in the right place!
  74. Anonymous

  75. Jeff Bowman

  76. Anonymous

    This donations comes with a prayer for God's Blessings.
  77. Lindsay Bonnett

  78. Fletcher Schmiedt

  79. Fletcher Schmiedt

  80. Fletcher Schmiedt

  81. Asia Yu

    Sister, your read has been rough, but you are on the narrow path that leaves to life now! Praise the Lord, there is true freedom in Christ Jesus. WE can leave all of our struggles at the foot of the cross, He said, "My yoke is easy and my burden is light". Matthew 11:30 The Lord I believe put it on my heart to help believers in need of a car, and brought me to you!
  82. Asia Yu

    I know how important it is to have transportation for your family. The Lord put it on my heart I believe to help with funds for cars for Christian families. I hope you and your children can use your van to outreach to people in your local area and spread the love of Jesus through helping your local community. How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion "Your God reigns!" Isaiah 52:7
  83. Baylee Barnhill

    God Bless

    Don't give up - God's got this and one day this test is going to be part of your testimony about how trust and faith helped you make it.
  85. Anonymous

  86. Anonymous

    I've prayed for this mother and her children. I've also prayed for blessings for the aunt and uncle who have taken in this family. May God bless you with all that you need. I hope my little contribution helps.
  87. Rick Brooks

  88. Jeff Bowman

  89. Anonymous


    Good bless moma
  91. Trevor Muzzy

  92. Jason Zenger

  93. David and Patti Fredrickson

  94. Anonymous

  95. Faith Ogrodowski

  96. Anonymous

  97. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  98. Hunter Yeats

  99. Jonathan William Barreca

  100. Jonathan William Barreca

  101. Trevor Muzzy

    God bless you!
  102. Trevor Muzzy

    God bless you!
  103. Nathan Grilliot

  104. Fletcher Schmiedt

  105. Fletcher Schmiedt

  106. Fletcher Schmiedt

  107. Anonymous

    It's been on my heart to donate. I have been in a place of need before. I want to help!
  108. Lindsay Bonnett

  109. Anonymous

  110. Anonymous

  111. Anonymous

    May you all continue to be a blessing to those you have touched and will encounter!
  112. Anonymous

    May the Lord strengthen this couple with these gifts and allow them to help further His kingdom.
  113. Anonymous

  114. Anonymous

    The greatest among us, God bless
  115. Anonymous

    When we go together we go boldly. Christ is with you
  116. Anonymous

    I am helping because I have been helped...many times.
  117. Nathan Grilliot

  118. Rick Brooks

  119. Esther A.

    I listen to Carey Green's podcast several times a week and I am so thankful for the daily devotionals. It helps to keep my spirit afloat and blesses me with biblical knowledge. I felt it was time for me to do more than just listen so now, I have come to help. I hope my donation helps, even in the smallest way. May the Lord richly bless you and your spouse.
  120. Trevor Muzzy

  121. Jason Zenger

  122. David and Patti Fredrickson

  123. Eric Knauls

  124. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  125. Anonymous

  126. Hunter Yeats

  127. Jonathan William Barreca

  128. Asia Yu

    Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians 6:2) May your heart be lifted knowing that He will provide all things!
  129. Anonymous

  130. Eman Simeon

  131. Emanuel Simeon

  132. Lindsay Bonnett

  133. Anonymous

  134. Anonymous

    I think what you do is important, and I understand the cost of running a business. My husband and I recently started our own business, and glory be to God on getting this up and operating, so I want to give back what we have made. Thank you for your messages. I am a listener of the morning mindset and You & Me & Jesus!
  135. Hunter Yeats

  136. Marcus Hughes

  137. Anonymous

  138. Rick Brooks

    I would like to help those in need who are struggling so that they may know the Lord will provide to those in need.
  139. Trevor Muzzy

  140. Nick Tisdale

  141. Jason Zenger

  142. David and Patti Fredrickson

  143. Anonymous

  144. Anonymous

  145. Anonymous

  146. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  147. Hunter Yeats

  148. Jonathan William Barreca

  149. Erin McBeth

  150. Seaborn Campbell

    The Holy Spirit impressed upon me to do so.
  151. Anonymous

  152. Anonymous

  153. Lindsay Bonnett


    The creator of the universe spoke you into being - you are precious. Christ died that you might dwell with him eternally - you are wanted. The Holy Spirit is within you to empower and guide you - you are capable. Times may be hard, but never doubt our merciful God - you are loved.
  155. Anonymous

  156. Fletcher Schmiedt

  157. Fletcher Schmiedt

  158. Fletcher Schmiedt

  159. Elizabeth Andrade

  160. Trevor Muzzy

  161. Jason Zenger

  162. David and Patti Fredrickson

  163. Anonymous

  164. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  165. Fletcher Schmiedt

  166. Fletcher Schmiedt

  167. Fletcher Schmiedt

  168. Hunter Yeats

  169. Rumbidzai Veremu

  170. Jonathan William Barreca

  171. Anonymous

  172. Jonathan B

  173. Anonymous

  174. Christopher Brewster

  175. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  176. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  177. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  178. Lindsay Bonnett

  179. Seaborn Campbell

    “And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.’” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭25‬:‭40‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
  180. Anonymous

  181. Fletcher Schmiedt

  182. Fletcher Schmiedt

  183. Fletcher Schmiedt

  184. Fletcher Schmiedt

  185. Jacy Johnson

  186. Anonymous

  187. Anonymous

  188. Trevor Muzzy

  189. Jason Zenger

  190. David and Patti Fredrickson

  191. Frederick Bell

  192. Anonymous

  193. Timothy Sasnett

  194. Anonymous

  195. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  196. Fletcher Schmiedt

  197. Fletcher Schmiedt

  198. Fletcher Schmiedt

  199. Fletcher Schmiedt

  200. Hunter Yeats

  201. Rumbidzai Veremu

  202. Jonathan William Barreca

  203. Kirk Coveau

  204. Anonymous

  205. James Sparrow

    It’s a blessing to be able to assist.
  206. Anonymous

    Acts 4:34-35 was our motivation. Be a doer of the word….. Thank you so much for setting this mission up. Blessings to the Morning Mindset!
  207. Dillon Cowing

    Praying for peace and strength for all those in need, and praise for the life changing work God is accomplishing through this ministry.
  208. Anonymous

  209. Anonymous

  210. Lindsay Bonnett

  211. Katie Hintz

    Not a Needy person helped my loved whens when we were in need. I am happy to give back to the family of God in return. Thank you for all you are doing!
  212. Rose Haklits

    God bless you and keep you safe.
  213. Anonymous

  214. Anonymous

  215. Fletcher Schmiedt

  216. Fletcher Schmiedt

  217. Fletcher Schmiedt

  218. Fletcher Schmiedt

  219. Anonymous

    May the Lord be with her.
  220. Nathan Grilliot

  221. Jacy Johnson

  222. Marilyn Spurgeon

  223. Trevor Muzzy

  224. Jason Zenger

  225. David and Patti Fredrickson

  226. Anonymous

  227. Anonymous

    I pray for you and your children
  228. Frederick Bell

  229. Fletcher Schmiedt

  230. Fletcher Schmiedt

  231. Fletcher Schmiedt

  232. Fletcher Schmiedt

  233. Jonathan William Barreca

  234. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  235. Hunter Yeats

  236. Rumbidzai Veremu

  237. Cheryl Witte

    May God continue to bless you and strengthen your faith every day.
  238. Christopher Brewster

  239. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  240. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  241. Christopher Brewster

  242. Asia Yu

    I pray that you will both continue to trust in the Lord with all of your hearts! The seasons we are the most in need is when we are closest to Him, and He is closest to us. May the LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you His peace. Numbers 6:24
  243. Lisa Zielinski

    I'm giving what I currently have to give as an act of faith that today I may have the $5 tomorrow and or in the story you next read for our asking to be given to and something my learning new species Holy Spirit heart mind gaurded in Christ's peace & perfect love of God each day steps out to do
  244. Asia Yu

    Bless your hearts for helping your family and children, the Lord loves a cheerful giver! 2 Corinthians 9:7
  245. Asia Yu

    Showing the love of Jesus to our brethren from other lands and nations, because we are one family and our identity is in Christ Jesus. For truly, I say to you,whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward. Matthew 10:41 I pray that you will continue to live by faith in Jesus and that God will bless you with all things. Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17
  246. Anonymous

  247. Leon Finch

    The Lord God is Our provider Blessings from our family to yours.
  248. Lindsay Bonnett

  249. Fletcher Schmiedt

  250. Fletcher Schmiedt

  251. Fletcher Schmiedt

  252. Fletcher Schmiedt

  253. Jessie Gately

  254. Anonymous

  255. Jacy Johnson

  256. Anonymous

  257. Trevor Muzzy

  258. Jason Zenger

  259. David and Patti Fredrickson

  260. Van Munn

  261. Van Munn

  262. Fletcher Schmiedt

  263. Fletcher Schmiedt

  264. Fletcher Schmiedt

  265. Fletcher Schmiedt

  266. Anonymous

  267. Victoria Batalla

    God sees you, He is your strength.
  268. Anonymous

    A helping hand up with God’s blessing
  269. Hunter Yeats

  270. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  271. Hunter Yeats

    God bless you as you care for others and cultivate his kingdom here on earth!
  272. Hunter Yeats

  273. Rumbidzai Veremu

  274. Jonathan William Barreca

  275. Anonymous

  276. Anonymous

    Wish it could be more.
  277. Anonymous

    May God richly bless you!
  278. Anonymous

    God bless you for what you're doing. Keep up the great work!
  279. Anonymous

    Wish it could be more but we've run dry.
  280. Anonymous

    I am praying for a job to be provided for you as well.
  281. Anonymous

    Christ forgave our debts, so we want to show generosity for others in need and reflect Christ's love.
  282. Anonymous

    Christ forgave our debts, so we want to show generosity for others in need and reflect Christ's love.
  283. Katherine Kennedy

  284. Rielly Troyer

  285. Fletcher Schmiedt

  286. Fletcher Schmiedt

  287. Fletcher Schmiedt

  288. Anonymous

  289. Anonymous

  290. HOWARD W.After LLOYD JR

    After many years of struggling myself, God has me in a good place. He has laid it on my heart to bless someone else who is struggling.
  291. Anonymous

  292. Lindsay Bonnett

  293. Anonymous

    God bless you
  294. William & Jeanie Schmitter

    Sharing God's Blessings
  295. Peggy Kinney

    Si si glad to be able to help. Love your ministry!! Love your family and your heart for God. Prayers for wisdom. Oeg
  296. Jessie Gately

  297. Nathan Grilliot

  298. Caleb Isherwood

  299. Caleb Isherwood

  300. Caleb Isherwood

  301. Caleb Isherwood

  302. Caleb Isherwood

  303. Anna Coy

  304. Anonymous

    God is love, and his love for us is what gives me a heart and love for others. If he can bless me in times of my own needs, then I’m honored to help bless others in theirs.
  305. Cindy Barfield

  306. Anonymous

  307. Christopher Brewster

  308. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  309. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  310. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  311. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  312. Barbara Allen

  313. Barbara Allen

  314. Tabitha Nunemaker

  315. Anonymous

  316. Derrick Perkins

    Money is a mere tool. although I may not have many tools at the moment. Helping others in any way, is the true wealth. Stay Strong. God Bless !!!
  317. Anonymous

  318. Anonymous

    May the Lord Jesus Christ preserve you and your family with his kindness and mercy.
  319. Daniel Baird

    I just want everyone to see heaven and its our job as believers to help and if this is how I can I'm all in we all struggle with problems everyday but God is there to help us back up
  320. Anonymous

  321. Joanie Kruger

    This organization has helped my family tremendously and I would like to pay that blessing forward to someone else who needs it.
  322. Jacy Johnson

  323. Nathan Grilliot

  324. Trevor Muzzy

  325. Jason Zenger

  326. David and Patti Fredrickson

  327. Fletcher Schmiedt

  328. Fletcher Schmiedt

  329. Fletcher Schmiedt

  330. Anonymous

  331. Nathan Grilliot

  332. Cheryl Witte

    God is a loving and providing God. May you continue to praise Him for His goodness.
  333. Anonymous

  334. Aidel Samally Gracia Barreto

  335. Anonymous

    On my birthday... God bless this ministry!
  336. Anonymous

  337. Jonathan William Barreca

  338. Anonymous

    I love listening to this podcast! I felt led to give so I am obeying trusting God will use this for others in need!
  339. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You! Keep Your Faith!
  340. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You In All You Do!
  341. Fletcher Schmiedt

  342. Fletcher Schmiedt

  343. Fletcher Schmiedt

  344. Anonymous

    I love you so much! Let’s press onward.
  345. Jena Campbell

  346. Lindsay Bonnett

  347. Jessie Gately

  348. Sarah Barajas

  349. Anonymous

  350. Anonymous

  351. Barbara Allen

  352. Cheryl Witte

    May God bless you and direct your heart and your steps
  353. Anonymous

  354. Jacy Johnson

  355. Anonymous

    You are a wonderful daughter for being there for your Mother. Prayers that you will be blessed and get all the support to meet your needs Prayerfully, Cindy
  356. Trevor Muzzy

  357. Jason Zenger

  358. Fletcher Schmiedt

  359. Fletcher Schmiedt

  360. Fletcher Schmiedt

  361. David and Patti Fredrickson

  362. Nathan Grilliot

  363. Anonymous

    God bless you all!
  364. Dustin DeVries

  365. Anonymous

  366. Anonymous

  367. Anonymous

  368. Anonymous

    Thank you for your generosity; I hope you get back on track with your health soon so you can be more comfortable but will use these new circumstances to reach people that are also suffering and share the assurance of God's love with them.
  369. Anonymous

  370. Angela Starr

    This need speaks to my life. I lost my Mother this past year. I am in great need myself and understand how overwhelming it is to deal with this loss of a parent and the trail of responsibilities that follow. I pray the Lord Jesus to show out His goodness, peace and provision in every area of her and her families life.
  371. Richard Alexis Ravi

    I would like to support a family who is really struggling day to day expenses. I am a regular listener of morning mindset podcast. Thank you for your great work. I pay Mr. Green and his team for their good work. God bless. Sincerely Dr. Richard Ravi
  372. Anonymous

    In honor of the memory of my dear Father in law, who passed away 1/19/22. May God Bless you, comfort you and guide you through this time of loss.
  373. Luz Elizabeth Andrade

    God is always faithful
  374. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  375. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You and may His glory give you strength in these time.
  376. Christopher Brewster

    May God Bless You and Keep You!
  377. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You and your beautiful family!
  378. Fletcher Schmiedt

  379. Fletcher Schmiedt

  380. Fletcher Schmiedt

  381. Anonymous

    God will see you all through. God bless you all.
  382. Anonymous

    Blessings passed along in God's name
  383. Nathan Grilliot

  384. Jennifer Kea

    God called us to be the church. We are to help our neighbor whether we know them or not. We are called to help others whether one knows Christ or not. We are the church. I am the church.
  385. Jonathan Dowd

  386. Lindsay Bonnett

  387. Anonymous

  388. Celeste Tuvi

    I believe the Lord is behind this ministry and I am so happy to have found the Morning Mindset on Apple Podcasts. I pray that God will continue to bless this ministry !
  389. Anonymous

  390. Anonymous

  391. Rachel Foster

    I pray the Lord uses the good that comes out of this difficulty in your life as a testimony to all those around you - God bless you!
  392. Barbara Allen

  393. Anonymous

  394. Anonymous

  395. Anonymous

  396. Anonymous

  397. Anonymous

  398. Anonymous

    If he take cares for the birds then he will surely take care of you. We are thankful to come alongside you and be able to bless you in your situation.
  399. Anonymous

  400. Anonymous

  401. Anonymous

  402. Anonymous

    I'm donating because the Lord put it in my heart to do so. I'm a mom of 5 wonderful kids and Wife to an amazing, supportive, unselfish human. We are a big, blended family. We have been a blended family since 2018 and have gone through a lot of loss. Helping, helps me heal! God bless, thank you. Leticia Hargreaves
  403. Rick Brooks

  404. Fletcher Schmiedt

  405. Anonymous

    God calls us to share our blessings with those who are in need! We trust in this organization to place funds into the right hands.
  406. Jessie Mese

  407. Jason Zenger

  408. David and Patti Fredrickson

  409. Susan Bernard

    God bless you for helping those less fortunate. Bless you for your good work and for The Morning Mindset!
  410. Nancy Yu

    The Lord has blessed me with extra in this season and it is a joy to be able to help my Christian brethren. I hope that you feel the love of Jesus and His peace even in challenging times. Sending you love and blessings!
  411. Anonymous

  412. Anonymous

    May the Lord meet all of your needs and show you his love for you.
  413. Anonymous

    May the Lord meet all of your needs and show you his love for you.
  414. Anonymous

    May the Lord meet all of your needs and show you his love for you.
  415. Anonymous

    May the Lord meet all of your needs and show you his love for you.
  416. Cindy Calhoun

  417. Shawn Fort

  418. Joe and Ashley Riccio

    May you feel God's arms around you heading into the New Year.
  419. Anonymous

  420. Alex Abernathy

  421. Carlton Huffman

  422. Kathryn Young Galla

  423. Meagan Ellerman

    It is a true honor and joy to be able to be used by God to help our brothers and sisters in Christ in their time of need. I'm praying this gift will strenghten their faith and trust that our God sees them and knows their need.
  424. Anonymous

  425. Anonymous

  426. Anonymous

  427. Anonymous

  428. Anonymous

  429. Anonymous

    I will pray that your outlook on finances continues to improve as well as your health.
  430. Nathan Grilliot

  431. Anonymous

  432. Anonymous

  433. Anonymous

  434. Darien Coots

    God bless
  435. Janet Mariani

  436. Anonymous

  437. Lorraine Johnson

  438. Lorraine Johnson

  439. Chantal Afuh-LeFlore

  440. Anonymous

    I know what it’s like to lose a beloved parent. May God bless and guide you abundantly!
  441. Johnny DiSalvo

  442. Johnny DiSalvo

  443. Drew Babb

    Podcast reference
  444. Similoluwa Osasona

    It is always a blessing to be a blessing, just doing my bit....
  445. Anonymous

  446. Anonymous

  447. Anonymous

  448. Christopher Brewster

    Merry Christmas and God Bless You!
  449. Christopher Brewster

    Merry Christmas and God Bless You!
  450. Anonymous

  451. Christopher Brewster

    Merry Christmas and God Bless You!
  452. Christopher Brewster

    Merry Christmas and God Bless You!
  453. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless you and Merry Christmas!
  454. Jose Mariscal

  455. Erin McBeth

  456. Erin McBeth

  457. Sheila Clark

  458. Anonymous

    Thanks for your inspiration and service!
  459. Van Munn

  460. David Griffiths

  461. Anonymous

    Thoughts and prayers for you and your family! Merry Christmas!
  462. Anonymous

    I have been praying about where the Lord wanted me to make an impact and this is where I was led. I want to keep the donation anonymous to focus on the glory of the Lord and the way that he always provides for us.
  463. Anonymous

    In memory of my Mom who passed into Glory on December 3.
  464. Kyle Kirk

    Keep going in Christ !
  465. Ciara Stupp

  466. Anonymous

  467. Anonymous

  468. Fletcher Schmiedt

  469. Fletcher Schmiedt

  470. Katherine Pitman

    My name is Kat! I am a physical therapist in Upstate NY that specializes in working with individuals with neurological conditions. I pray that you have the access to resources, such as PT, in order to receive the care you need to heal and recover from your stroke and subsequent impairments. I hope that my small gift helps you and your son to have a some comfort this Christmas season.
  471. Anonymous

    I will pray for you and know that God will get you through this.
  472. Pete Blank

    I listen to your Alexa Flash Briefing almost every day. Thanks for what you do. This is a great idea. I hope this little bit helps.
  473. Anonymous

  474. Anonymous

  475. Anonymous

  476. Anonymous

    May God bless your path with His promise of joy and peace to those who believe ~ God is so good!!
  477. Anonymous


    May God bless you abundantly! Have faith and stay in HIS presence. This I pray. “Amen”.
  479. Anonymous

  480. Anonymous

    Praying for you and your family. Hope this small donation will make a dent in your needs.
  481. Lyndi Rupp

    Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” -Matthew 11:28
  482. Lyndi Rupp

    Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” - Matthew 11:28
  483. Parker Beck

  484. Parker Beck

  485. Lindsay Bonnett

  486. Anonymous

  487. David, Jennifer, Ethan and Adyson Loomis

    Our family has a Santa based non-profit. This year, St Nick's ministries is donating to worthy causes after losing our own St Nick (Dad and grandpa).
  488. Fletcher Schmiedt

  489. Joe and Ashley Riccio

    Lord, thank you for the ability to help this family in their time of need. May she find solace in you as works through her grief. Amen
  490. Joe and Ashley Riccio

    Lord, thank you for the ability to help this family in their time of need. May you put your arms around them and guide them during this difficult time. Amen
  491. Joe and Ashley Riccio

    Lord, thank you for the ability to help this family in their time of need. Bless them and their growing family. Amen
  492. Nathan Grilliot

  493. Anonymous

  494. Anonymous

  495. Anonymous

  496. Anonymous

  497. Karen Whetstone

    God is good and I want to share my blessings with others. I pray this young lady feels God’s love over her and also feels the prayers for her during this difficult time.
  498. Anonymous

  499. Anonymous

  500. paul pertich

  501. Anonymous

  502. Anonymous

    I enjoy the podcast
  503. Anonymous

  504. Rick Brooks

  505. Anonymous

  506. Rielly Troyer

  507. Anonymous

    You are amazing and strong and will get through this season.
  508. Anonymous

  509. David and Patti Fredrickson

  510. Andrew James

  511. Tracy Ethridge

  512. Anonymous

  513. Anonymous

  514. Tiffany Carson

    I listen to Morning Mindset every morning to start my day and I love it. It really has helped me to put things in perspective and realize how everything is truly in God's hands.
  515. Anonymous

  516. sandra sherman

  517. Anonymous

  518. Fletcher Schmiedt

  519. Van Munn

  520. Anonymous

  521. Teresa Kemp

  522. Anonymous

  523. Anonymous

  524. Fletcher Schmiedt

  525. Anonymous

    Keep praying and looking to God for guidance. Through His grace you can stay on the right path. I pray that God gives you the strength you need to stay away from temptation. And I pray that one day soon you will be able to help others that may need help.
  526. Anonymous

    May God bless and keep you safe.
  527. Shawn Fort

  528. Anonymous

  529. Anonymous

  530. Anonymous

    I hope this helps, it's not a lot but I'm praying for the best outcome for you and your family.
  531. Anonymous

  532. Anonymous

    Thanks for all you doing!
  533. Sarah Neustaedter

    I hope this can help!
  534. Anonymous

  535. Anonymous

  536. Rick Brooks

    I am a daily listener of The Morning Mindset. I love the concept and your morning message. The Lord has blessed me in my career, and I have felt moved by your message and request to help other brothers and sisters in Christ in their difficult times.
  537. Anonymous

  538. Anonymous

  539. Anonymous

    Hope I can be a blessing to someone today.
  540. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You All!
  541. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  542. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  543. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  544. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  545. Adrianne Greene

  546. Anonymous

    I have been listening to Morning Mindset for the past 2-3 years and it has helped me connect and stay connected to God through Jesus Christ. I make it a daily routine along with my morning prayers and scripture readings. Thank you, Mr. Green for putting this program together! Michael
  547. Anonymous

  548. Anonymous

  549. Anonymous

  550. Anonymous

  551. Zandra Verriett

  552. Anonymous

    Sharing HIS love.
  553. Laurie Hostetler

    My heart goes out to you, but I know God is working out every detail for you and your children. Keep looking to Him and trusting His plan and His way. You will get through this and come out better on the other side and even be able to help those He puts in your path. May God Bless you always! Love and Prayers, Laurie
  554. PJ Pierre

  555. Anonymous

  556. Anonymous

  557. Fletcher Schmiedt

  558. Jess Gately

  559. Cheryl Witte

    God bless you and your family with sobriety and security.
  560. Charlsie McDonald

  561. Ted Degroot

    Lost some one very close to me to addiction! Close to my heart!
  562. Fletcher Schmiedt

  563. Fletcher Schmiedt

  564. Anonymous

    In my own recovery journey from a different addiction
  565. Christopher Brewster

    God Is Great!
  566. Christopher Brewster

    God Is Great!
  567. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  568. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  569. Anonymous

  570. Anonymous

  571. Anonymous

  572. Anonymous

  573. Anonymous

    Giving 10% of tithe to follow Gods way of giving. Trying to be more generous.
  574. Anonymous

  575. Anonymous

    I have been feeling the pressure of paying bills but every month my husband and I are able to keep the lights up and food on the table. The struggle to pay down debt, live life and keep a budget is very real but the Lord is so faithful and ALWAYS provides for us. I know this donation is not much but I hope it is well received and y'all are able to feel greater sense of peace! God bless you, always.
  576. Bethany Sequeira

  577. Anonymous

  578. Anonymous

  579. Shawn Fort

  580. Anonymous

  581. Anonymous

  582. Anonymous

  583. Anonymous

  584. Elizabeth Andrade

    But my God shall provide your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:19
  585. Anonymous

  586. Anonymous

  587. Anonymous

  588. Anonymous

    God bless you
  589. Katie Hintz

    You are not alone! The Not-A-Needy person team was incredibly helpful to our family in time of need, I hope this will be the same to you and your family.
  590. Katie Hintz

    You are not alone! The Not-A-Needy person team was incredibly helpful to our family in time of need, I hope this will be the same to you and your family.
  591. Katie Hintz

    You are not alone! The Not-A-Needy person team was incredibly helpful to our family in time of need, I hope this will be the same to you and your family.
  592. Anonymous

  593. Bethany Sequeira

  594. Anonymous

    May God bless this couple and give them strength to keep fighting.
  595. Anonymous

    Praying for you to get back on your feet.
  596. Anonymous

  597. Ada Martinez

    Mom stay strong , god see’s all you do. Asking everyone to assist so this family can have a roof by rain fall.
  598. Ada Martinez

    God bless you.
  599. Anonymous

  600. Anonymous

  601. Anonymous

  602. Anonymous

    I donated a few times to this kind man who had been begging for years on this one street corner. The last time I gave him money, he told me “God bless you” and that he planned to give the money I gave him to someone else when he was back on his feet. His words really inspired me to continue to give to others because no one is a needy person, and everyone needs some help sometimes
  603. Anonymous

  604. Anonymous

  605. Shawn Fort

  606. Anonymous

    Praying you get back on your feet and your children be returned to your care, may God bless you and your children,
  607. Anonymous

    I have a sister that is currently going through a similar situation. I pray that this humble donation helps multiply your blessings and that the Lord may help you get back on your feet and to create a stable life for your family and that he may bless your family. Amen

  609. Anonymous

  610. Anonymous

    Praying you reach your needed amount to fix your car. God Bless
  611. John Aitchison

  612. Rielly Troyer

    I am so thankful to be able to help others with the money that God has blessed me with.
  613. Anonymous

  614. Anonymous

    May God bless this family and be able to get through this tough time.
  615. Dustin DeVries

    I appreciate all that Carey and his wife do and their ministry. As a daily listener to the morning mindset for the last few months, I want to give back and feel this might be one way to do so.
  616. Anonymous

    May God bless this family.
  617. Anonymous

  618. Tessa Arnold

    I listen to the morning mindset everyday on my way to work, I always hear about this website and love that all of the proceeds go to families in need. I hope this helps!
  619. Anonymous

  620. Elinor Salter

    I have been in exactly this position. I have now managed to find a job that pays ok.
  621. Anonymous

  622. Anonymous

    Because of the love Jesus has shown I want to share his love
  623. Anonymous

  624. Anonymous

  625. Cheryl Witte

    Keep the faith ~ God is so good!
  626. Bethany Sequeira

  627. Brendan Kearney

    As someone with Adhd and Depressive tendencies, these life difficulties can feel unending at points. Trust in the lord, your God, in everything you do.
  628. Anonymous

  629. Anonymous

  630. Anonymous

    God bless you! He will make a way.
  631. Anonymous

    Praying for you and your country! God bless you and your family.
  632. Anonymous

  633. Anonymous

  634. Anonymous

  635. Anonymous

    May the Lord meet all of your needs out of His riches.
  636. Cindy Barfield


  638. Anonymous

  639. Anonymous

  640. Anonymous

    our prayers for your family.
  641. Briget Cain

    Praying for this family to have faith and trust God to provide and keep them protected.
  642. Briget Cain

    Lifting this family in prayers for God to provide for them.
  643. Briget Cain

    Lifting this family in prayers to meet all their financial needs and give them strength to persevere during this time.
  644. Jonathan Noble

  645. Mayra Perez

  646. Anonymous

  647. Priscilla Lloyd

    I feel the Lord leading me to help further His Kingdom by donating to someone in need in the name of Jesus. He has been so good to me and I want to share His blessings with others the best that I can....thank you for your outreach. God Bless you. ❤
  648. Brooke Callahan

    The Lord has blessed my life so much. He has provided for me and my family and I want to pass on the blessings.
  649. Anonymous

  650. Anonymous

  651. Anonymous

  652. Anonymous

  653. Anonymous

  654. Anonymous

    May God bless and use these donations in a wonderful way, multiplying them to meet the needs of His people.
  655. Anonymous

  656. Anonymous

  657. Anonymous

  658. Anonymous

  659. Trevor Muzzy

  660. Trevor Muzzy

  661. Trevor Muzzy

  662. Trevor Muzzy

  663. Anonymous

  664. Cheryl Witte

    May God bless you and your family in numerous ways!
  665. Anonymous

  666. Jenny Friend

    I am praying for this family. I hope this small gift helps to bless them and ease their fears and anxiety regarding their finances. May God provide for them and protect them.
  667. Bethany Sequeira

  668. Anonymous

  669. Anonymous

  670. Avery Watson

  671. Anonymous

  672. Claudette Bettner

    Praying the Lord provides for all their needs
  673. Anonymous

  674. Anonymous

  675. Anonymous

  676. Anonymous

  677. Scott Callicott

  678. Anonymous

    Praying for you! Keep strong in the faith and hope in the Lord! He shelters us from all the evil and sin in the world.
  679. Anonymous

  680. Lusselenia Rodriguez

  681. Faith Green

  682. Odelia Phillips

    I pray that God meets all your daily needs
  683. Marion Phillips

    I pray for your mother's healing in the name of Jesus, that her body functions the way God intended and that she gets her full years. Keep the faith; God is coming through!
  684. Anonymous

  685. Anonymous

    May God renew your strength, hope, and endurance as you continue to run your race and shine your light. You are enough, and the Lord loves you fiercely. May you rest in His peace, love, and life that He pours out in abundance! God bless you.
  686. Anonymous

    I help my mom take care of my dad, he survived an aneurysm but also had some strokes. It makes a huge difference to have the proper care. And it can be very difficult to see a parent become sick and struggle with health issues. God bless and I hope she recovers!
  687. Mitch Hesselink

    I had gone to school to be a nurse in my early 20's. For a time I was a cna and absolutely loved what I did. But there was a death in my family, I turned to alcohol, got in a lot of trouble with drinking and driving, and wasn't allowed to work in Healthcare afterwards. It's been a major regret of mine. We need good nurses! Please help people when they're at their lowest!
  688. Anonymous

  689. Stephanie Smith

  690. Cheryl Witte

  691. Rielly Troyer

    I feel called to give and I have not recently. I hope this money helps take a level of stress off of your shoulders. I know how frustrating it can be to worry about car troubles with so much other stuff going on in your life! God Bless 🙂
  692. Anonymous


  694. Anonymous

    May God Bless You abundantly and richly.
  695. Anonymous

  696. Anonymous

  697. Anonymous

  698. Anonymous

  699. Anonymous

  700. Aljael Ramirez

  701. Eman Simeon

  702. Eman Simeon

  703. Stephanie Smith

  704. Anonymous

  705. Anonymous

  706. Shawn Fort

  707. Anonymous

  708. Anonymous

    I pray that this mother may feel God’s love and protection over her.
  709. Anonymous

    It’s not a lot but I hope and pray that blessings come her way.
  710. Anonymous

  711. Anonymous

  712. Anonymous

  713. Anonymous

    In a world full of bad, there is hope. Jesus is the Light!
  714. Avery Watson

  715. Elizabeth Mwaiko

  716. Elizabeth Mwaiko

  717. Anonymous

  718. Anonymous

    Our family is truly blessed and I praise God for it.
  719. Anonymous

    Story touch me as one sacrificing so much after having her heart broken.
  720. Anonymous

  721. Stephanie Smith

  722. Shawn Fort

  723. Anonymous

    I have asked the Father in prayer to show me who or what to donate for, after my prayer I was listening to a morning podcast of Carey green. He mentioned '' i am not a needy person . org ''. I felt this is where God wants me to donate.
  724. Anonymous

  725. Anonymous

  726. Anonymous

  727. Anonymous

  728. Anonymous

    God bless you all!
  729. Erin McBeth

  730. Anonymous

  731. Anonymous

  732. Anonymous

  733. Anonymous

  734. Jarrod Patterson

  735. John Aitchison

  736. Anonymous

    There is a need.
  737. Anonymous

  738. Maggie Baxter

    I feel so blessed in my life and would like to bless someone else
  739. Anonymous

  740. Anonymous

    The Word of God encourages us to be generous.
  741. Anonymous

    I know that the Lord wants us to help when we can.
  742. Anonymous

  743. Anonymous

  744. Briget Cain

    I am praying for your family and hope that you are able to get care for your brother and get relief from debts.
  745. Shawn Fort

  746. Anonymous

  747. Eman Simeon

  748. Heather Kennedy

  749. Cheryl Witte

    May God bless you richly in your spiritual journey.
  750. Sierra Jones

  751. Stephanie Smith

  752. Anonymous

  753. Anonymous

  754. Anonymous

  755. Anonymous

  756. Anonymous

  757. Anonymous

    God Bless!
  758. Anonymous

  759. Jonathan Valadez

    "Comfort, YES, Comfort My People!" Says YOUR GOD!! Isaiah 40:1
  760. Anonymous

  761. Ruth Letherer

    God has blessed me financially and has laid it on my heart to give back. I know how crucial just a little bit of support can be when you feel like you have nothing left.
  762. Anonymous

  763. Anonymous

  764. Sabrina Martinez

    I am donating because everyone needs and would like to help make a difference in someone’s life. I pray someone would help my family as well in times of need. Every dollar adds up and can be a huge blessing to someone in need.
  765. Anonymous

    I have no idea what you're going through but I can imagine that it's a lot. I'm sorry that these things have happened to you. I don't know if this will help but I personally took a lot of comfort in knowing that everything you're going through, the hardships and the pain, God knows what you're feeling and He will use this to work in your life and other people's lives. I know my donation isn't a big one and I'm sorry that I can't help more but I hope you'll be able to have a nice meal. Take care of yourself.
  766. Stephanie Smith

  767. Frederick Bell

  768. Anonymous

  769. Nadia Hosny

    Having been saved a year and a half ago and previously being made homeless myself, now the Lord has blessed me by knowing Him and with some finances id love to help others and to show Him working through His church.
  770. Anonymous

  771. Erin McBeth

  772. Sarah Ryan

    Praying for your swift bounce back, you got this!
  773. Ruby Griffin

  774. Anonymous

    I love Jesus Christ and God and praise Jesus I just want to help in anyway I can!
  775. Carlos Quiñones

    God Bless
  776. Anonymous

  777. Anonymous

  778. Anonymous

  779. Anonymous

  780. Natasha North

  781. Anonymous

  782. Jason Paul

  783. Anonymous

  784. Katie Griffin

    God blesses me and I want to bless other’s with the gifts he has so graciously bestowed on me. He is so goood!! Keep up the wonderful work ~ KT
  785. Anonymous

  786. Anonymous

    God bless you all, may His provisions come quickly!
  787. Jonathan Noble

  788. Anonymous

    God has been speaking to me through the Morning Mindset which has truly been a blessing. While I have been learning to submit my anxieties (especially financial) to the Lord, He has been independently speaking to my husband and confirmed our decision to set aside this money for His kingdom. We are confident that our decision to offer up this money will bless those in need while glorifying His name, instead of hoarding resources to attain the illusion of security. God has been faithful and we are thankful for this opportunity to affirm our trust in the Giver, and not the things that He gives.
  789. Anonymous

    God has been speaking to me through the Morning Mindset which has truly been a blessing. While I have been learning to submit my anxieties (especially financial) to the Lord, He has been independently speaking to my husband and confirmed our decision to set aside this money for His kingdom. We are confident that our decision to offer up this money will bless those in need while glorifying His name, instead of hoarding resources to attain the illusion of security. God has been faithful and we are thankful for this opportunity to affirm our trust in the Giver, and not the things that He gives.
  790. Anonymous

  791. Anonymous

  792. Anonymous

    I was very stressed out about finances and God told me it was going to be okay, so I wanted to share some of what I have with people from God who really needs it more than I do! it's not much, but it comes from my heart 🙂
  793. Amudat Hassan

  794. Anonymous

    May the Lord bless you and keep you, be gracious to you, and make His face shine upon you and give you peace!
  795. Anonymous

  796. Anonymous

    My family also struggles with health issues related to mold, and I pray yours resolve soon. God bless!
  797. Anonymous

  798. Anonymous

  799. Rooslye Milord

  800. Jennifer Winston

    God Bless ❤️
  801. Anonymous

    I pray for healing and that your new home will be a source a comfort.
  802. Cheryl Witte

  803. Anonymous

    I do not currently have a church, so this is how I believe I should tithe and give back to God.
  804. Brandon Rule

    heard about you on the morning mindset podcast, keep up the good work
  805. Anonymous

  806. Anonymous

    I've been in a divorce situation where the legal fees were overwhelming. I pray encouragement, faith and peace for the father, and protection for the daughters.
  807. Anonymous

  808. Anonymous

  809. Anonymous

  810. Anonymous

  811. Anonymous

  812. Shawn Fort

  813. Jason Paul

  814. Briget Cain

    Lifting this family in prayer for strength and perseverance during this time and thankful they have faith in Our Father to see them through this trial.
  815. Vincent Maule

  816. Anonymous

  817. Anonymous

  818. Anonymous

  819. Stephanie Smith

    I am currently in between churches as I transition from being stationed overseas to back stateside. During this time I'd like to donate my tithes to a cause that can do good for others.
  820. Anonymous

  821. Anonymous

    Praying for you all during this difficult time.
  822. Brian Olson

    Have Faith, and take care of your daughters!
  823. Callie Walker

  824. Anonymous

  825. Emily Croft

  826. Jennifer Haslup

    I tithe to the church but felt like I wanted to make it more personal to a specific need.

  828. Anonymous

  829. Anonymous

  830. Anonymous

  831. Frederick Bell

  832. Anonymous

  833. Felicia Wills

    God bless! You got this
  834. Anonymous

    I am blessed so I can bless others
  835. Anonymous

    I left an abusive marriage and have 4 kids. I am so grateful God has provided for me. I’m happy to give to another struggling single mom. God bless you. I have faith that He will always provide for your needs.
  836. Anonymous

    Hello I would like to help you and I wish I could give more. I pray that all your little be good in health and that you also may be good in health to provide for them.
  837. Rooslye Milord

  838. Katie Griffin

    God contains to bless my family so we can bless others. I pray this donation not only helps this family but brings them closer to our almighty Lord. Thank you for your faith and morning devotions
  839. Anonymous

  840. brian song

  841. Anonymous

  842. Kathryn Young Galla

  843. Anonymous

    I will be praying for you. I was in your same situation 10 years ago and God made a way out of no way. Keep trusting in him.
  844. Anonymous

  845. Anonymous

    In listening to the podcast, felt led to donate.
  846. Erin McBeth

  847. Erin McBeth

  848. Erin McBeth

  849. Kevin Van Gorp

    The Kingdom is God is yours, not by works but by faith! Celebrate the Tree of Life, spring is on the way, warmer days 🙂
  850. Shawn Fort

    Thank you for continuing to give to those in need!
  851. Kyle Weston

  852. Kyle Weston

  853. Kyle Weston

  854. Kyle Weston

  855. Kyle Weston

  856. Develyn Gutierrez

    It's a blessing and honor to help other prosper as the Lord helps and prospers one.
  857. Anonymous


    I cannot thank you Lord enough for all you have given me. I have struggled in my life and understand abuse. I pray this money will help those in need your of your mercy and grace. God Bless
  859. Genevieve Bailey-Joseph

  860. Anonymous

  861. Susan Bernard

    Thank you for helping those less fortunate! 🙂
  862. Anonymous

  863. Anonymous

    Above info is inaccurate. I would like to remain anonymous
  864. Parker Beck

  865. Anonymous

  866. Elizabeth Hicks

    Dear Friend, There is light at the end of the dark tunnel you are in. Be a “prisoner of hope” Zechariah 9:12. And remember if God brings you to it, He’ll bring you through it. Sending love and peace.
  867. Elizabeth Hicks

    Dear Friend, The days may seem dark and lonely but know there are better days ahead filled with God’s Grace and Love. Hold on to His Word. Remember if God brings you to it, God will bring you through. Sending love and peace. I hope your journey gets easier soon!
  868. Anonymous

  869. Anonymous

    Don’t give up on the Lord 🙂
  870. Toby Green

    The Holy Spirt compels me to find ways to help others in need. God’s grace and patience are abundant in my life and I am extremely thankful for everything. The Morning Mindset is a great inspiration for me, and hopefully I will be able to do more in the future than just by giving money, according to God’s Will of course. But, I know donating is necessary and helpful for others, and happy to do it as much as possible. God Bless, and thanks for all you do. TG Keep my donation anonymous, unless you feel it will encourage others to donate.
  871. Anonymous

    My wife is a 12 year cancer survivor.
  872. Bernie Borges

    May she find comfort in Jesus along with His provision for her needs.
  873. Christopher Henchey

  874. Anonymous

    I have been listening to the Morning Mindset for some time now and have heard the plea for help on this website multiple times. God told me to help.
  875. Faith Green

  876. Cheryl Witte

    May God bless you and your family
  877. Rooslye Milord

  878. Anonymous

  879. Anonymous

  880. Anonymous

    i understand what it is like to live in an abusive relationship and I am glad that i was able to move away and God has given me the strength to be a single mom for almost 13 years. I pray that you are given the strength to see the light in this difficult times. I cannot guarentee that it will be easy but if you have God that is all you need. God Bless
  881. Anonymous

    I want to be able to help others in need, i know I am struggling now with certain circumstances but God has blessed me with enough right now that I can spare a little to help my brothers and sisters in Christ. I know what it is like to feel like you have hit rock bottom and there is no way out but I believe fully in my heart that God will help me pull through this and will show the way to those as well who are struggling and seeking to live in his way and be an inspiration to someone else. I saw in the doctor office today something that really hit home a sign in the lab said: " You have been assigned this mountain to show that it can be moved" Keep praying and looking to God and he will help you move your mountains. God bless
  882. Anonymous

  883. Anonymous

  884. Anonymous

    I know what it feels like to be in debt. I want to help.
  885. Anonymous

  886. Katie Griffin

    I listen to the Morning Mindset on my way to work each morning and God Laid it on my heart to help! Thank you for all you are doing.
  887. Anonymous

  888. Anonymous

  889. Anonymous

  890. Anonymous

  891. Anonymous

  892. Brenda bartley

    God has blessed me well financially. As a good stewart God is wanting me to pass it forward. God Bless you and your Mom in this difficult time. 🙏🙏🙏
  893. Jonathan Valadez

    Psalms 16:11 "YOU will show me the path of life; In YOUR presence is fullness of JOY; at Your right hand are pleasures forever more!"
  894. Anonymous

  895. Anonymous

    "Go serve your King."
  896. Anonymous

    "Go serve your King."
  897. Lorena Burgos

  898. Denise Cabrera

  899. Anonymous

  900. Anonymous

    For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. God has provided for me so I may provide for those in need. So, I pray this helps and that you fully recover if that is this will of Christ.
  901. Claudette Bettner

    May God be with and strengthen you both in this hard time.
  902. Anonymous

  903. Anonymous

  904. Anonymous

  905. Anonymous

    I pray this blesses you. May God keep you and your kids
  906. Jamie Hincks

  907. Anonymous

  908. Anonymous

    I'm donating because we are currently going through debt and hardship trying to pay our bills, and our Lord has shined his light on us and keeps us going with what he provides for us every month. With the grace of GOD we have been able to pay and purchase our basic needs, every month. I'm not sure how to explain that miraculously the money comes up and that's Jesus hearing us and providing for us. Therefore, I know that Jesus will provide for this family it doesn't matter how hard things may seem he does not leave our side. Amen!
  909. Willie Hallmon

    I felt my spirit has moved me to provide assistance to those in need. May the Lord provide comfort and peace during these tough times.
  910. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You & Your Staff!
  911. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  912. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  913. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  914. Christopher Brewster

    God Bless You!
  915. Anonymous

  916. Amanda Shough

    Please help my mother have peace knowing she can get back and forth safely to her treatments. We pray that we don’t need funeral costs, but they are unfortunately a reality with her cancer diagnosis. She worries everyday about the cost of her funeral. I don’t want her constantly thinking about her death bills while I try to encourage her to live. The car is a seriously needed issue. She depends upon my step-father ( they are no longer married, but he does everything and gives everything he can to her.)for everything. His health isn’t good either.. His car is falling apart from taking such good care of my mom’s needs. He is a saint! Besides the current needs, I pray he can get a nice reliable car to have with him even once my mother has died. He has given everything to my mom and my family and I fear him being alone and sick without a vehicle. Please help them to have security and safety. Thank you!
  917. Rooslye Milord

  918. Esther Kennard

    I know what it’s like to struggle i’m glad i’m now in a position to give to others
  919. Anonymous

  920. Erin McBeth

  921. Erin McBeth

  922. Genevieve Bailey-Joseph

    I am really moved by how yourself and your wife use your gifts in such a powerful and obident way. Just a small monthly amount I know God can increase and use to help others in so many more ways. I listen every morning I get in the right mindset, encouraged falling more in love with God's word and empowered to be effective in my day. Thank you both and all who support this platform, may God keep you and bless you in every area of your lives. Genevieve
  923. Anonymous

  924. Valerie Richmond

    Good luck to you. We will pray for you.
  925. Shawn Fort

  926. Ricardo Marcano javier

  927. Avery Harmon

  928. Anonymous

  929. Anonymous

  930. Anonymous

  931. Anonymous

  932. Dave Lofgren

  933. John Aitchison

  934. Anonymous

  935. Anonymous

  936. Rooslye Milord

  937. Anonymous

  938. Anonymous

  939. Anonymous

  940. Todd Taylor

    God has blessed me with additional finances, so I am being blessed to pay it forward.
  941. Anonymous

  942. Madison Lanai

    I am keeping you and your children in my prayers. I hope you can look to God for comfort and joy throughout this hard season❤️
  943. Madison Lanai

    You and your family are in my prayers❤️
  944. Madison Lanai

    I am praying for you and your family and I hope you are staying in close communication with God throughout this time❤️
  945. Anonymous

    May you see the love of the Lord through His prompting so many to reach out to help you. May your spirit be lifted and encouraged and your prayers be answered.
  946. Anonymous

    May the Lord meet all the financial, spiritual and physical needs of you and your family.
  947. Nadia Hosny

    I've found myself in hardship and received such help. I pray now I'm able I can help get others back on their feet.
  948. Anonymous

  949. Anonymous

  950. Anonymous

  951. Anonymous

    Keep your head up! God will come through!
  952. Rooslye Milord

  953. Anonymous

  954. Anonymous


  956. Anonymous

  957. Anonymous

  958. Ashley Riccio

  959. Ashley Riccio

  960. Ashley Riccio

  961. Ashley Riccio

  962. Anonymous

  963. Anonymous

    I have been is your shoes and not having transportation. I hope your situation improves soon. God Bless you.
  964. Anonymous

  965. Anonymous

  966. Erika Miller

    I appreciate all that you do. I love listening to your podcast and can't thank you enough for it helping me be better at staying more consistent in reading and learning about what the Bible teaches us, especially with chasing after two little kids all day. The way you break down the content and provide an understanding on what was happening at that time is so valuable. I hope you are able to help families in need with our donation.
  967. Anonymous

  968. Gloria Burca

  969. Erin McBeth

  970. Erin McBeth

  971. Erin McBeth

  972. Steve Hasper

  973. Bryan McClure

  974. Faith Green

  975. Anonymous

  976. Anonymous

  977. Anonymous

  978. Anonymous

  979. Anonymous

  980. Terrence DeFranco

  981. Jose Mariscal

  982. Anonymous

  983. Meagan Ellerman

  984. Anonymous

  985. Anonymous

  986. Anonymous

  987. Anonymous

  988. Anonymous

  989. Anonymous

  990. Anonymous

  991. Anonymous

  992. Anonymous

  993. Anonymous

  994. Anonymous


  996. Anonymous

  997. Anonymous

  998. Claudette Bob Bettner

  999. Anonymous

  1000. Janet Mariani


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