by Carey Green | Sep 28, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
“Rest” is not a very popular mindset these days. We live in a super face paced society. No matter what you “do for a living” you know the reality of what I’m saying, here. kid’s activities work related chores social calendars...
by Carey Green | Sep 25, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
This one’s about personal affirmations. You know, the “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and Doggone it! People like me!” things people are being encouraged to say to themselves each morning. Don’t get me wrong, I think personal...
by Carey Green | Sep 24, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
Your daily mindset battle is like solving a math problem… really. Do you remember your first week in Algebra 1 class? I do. I can remember evenings at the kitchen table, crying as I reworked math problems over and over because I kept messing up. Every time it...
by Carey Green | Sep 23, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
Faith is about belief. Mindset is about belief. For a Christian, the two are the same thing. You can’t believe something in a “faith” sense and not have it impact your mindset. They are intertwined, inseparable. What you belief (your mindset) is the...
by Carey Green | Sep 21, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
Keeping your mindset on track day to day is a challenging task. There are millions of things to distract, discourage, and derail you as you attempt to keep your thoughts focused, your identity clear, and your purpose before you. But there’s 1 thing I’ve...
by Carey Green | Sep 17, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
When we talk about “mindset” we’re actually talking about where you FOCUS your thoughts. And that’s BIBLICAL definition. In this video I’m going to walk you through the passage where the Bible makes the point that what you set your mind...
by Carey Green | Sep 16, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
The Mindset Struggle is very real… One day you wake up feeling great, ready to conquer the world! The very next day you wake up feeling down or depressed and want to give up. It’s a constant cycle that comes around at different intervals for different...
by Carey Green | Sep 15, 2015 | mindset, mindset reset
If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you have a mindset advantage. I don’t point this out to give you any sort of superiority complex or to encourage you to look down on others… I point it out to help you see that you’ve got a resource that can...
by Carey Green | Sep 14, 2015 | Life, mindset, mindset reset
Mindset practices are vital for Christian living, yet Christians tend to be really bad at them. What do I mean by “mindset practices?” It’s the practice of setting your mind in the right place (on truth… about God, yourself, the world) –...
by Carey Green | Sep 11, 2015 | mindset, mindset reset
Everyone has a set of Mindset beliefs. They may be positive, negative, optimistic, pessimistic, self-condemning, self-affirming, etc. You get the picture – we all have them. Do you know where your mindset beliefs come from? How did you get them? Are they...