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by | Apr 10, 2015 | Business, Discipleship

Business success may or may not come – that’s God’s prerogative alone.

But that doesn’t mean that you have nothing at all to do with it…
[tweetthis hidden_hashtags=”#Christianbusiness”]God is who He is & will do what He’s going 2 do but who are U in light of who He is?[/tweetthis]
This is a powerful and instructive verse. As with all of the word of God, it penetrates deep, even as far as discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
  • What might it say about you?
  • What insight does it give you about the way your business efforts are going?
  • What course corrections might it prompt in you?
  • Are there any adjustments you need to make to your attitude, to your motives?
  • Is there something keeping you from “walking uprightly” in your personal or business life?
  • If so, what will you do about it?

I’d love to get your feedback, receive your insights, and listen to your confessions  (James 5:16) in the comments below.

Your business success could depend on it… and there’s healing to be had

And if you have need of personalized help – I’m here.