The BEST way to get MOST of the books below...
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** Due to format difficulties, "The Elder Training Handbook" as displayed below is NOT included in the books Partners recieve.

Fiction Books
Non-fiction books are further down the page.

Non-Fiction Books

Moving Toward God
Here’s the resource for the brand-new, never-been-to-church-before person who is seriously seeking to know what Christianity is all about.
If you want to get to know God, but are confused by all the religious mumbo jumbo you hear at church, you’re not alone. Plenty of people find it hard to connect with God when they don’t understand the Christianese their Christian friends are speaking! (Yes, it is another language 🙂
But you’re in luck… or I should say, “You’re blessed by God!”
Moving Toward God, is truly a newbie’s guide to the basics of Christianity. In this book you’ll find out who God is, how Jesus is related to Him (besides being His Son), and how you can have eternal life, beginning now.
You’ll find out what all the religious sounding lingo is all about, how to navigate your very own Bible, how to begin reading it, studying it, and learning how to pray to the God who wrote it.
You’ll find out what He expects of you and how He’s made the way for you to pull off everything He’s asking of you, without fail.
Moving toward God is about the life-long journey of finding and knowing God and teaches you how to live out a personal relationship with Him day by day.
Moving toward God is set up in interactive studies that keep you engaged with what you’re learning. Think of it like a workbook that goes very simply and clearly through every topic.
* There are questions to answer.
* There are exercises to complete.
* There are prayers to pray.
* There are thoughts to ponder.
And it’s all in a very simple, easy to understand format that will keep you engaged with what can be some very deep stuff! So don’t be nervous, just grab a copy of Moving toward God and dive on in!
Spiritual growth and Christian learning don’t have to be complicated – Moving Toward God proves it!
The Elder Training Handbook
A deeper explanation of this resource can be found here
Identifying and equipping men for the role of church Elder is not an easy task…
The role of Elder is perhaps one of the most important roles in the world, since the church is both the body and bride of Jesus. That means church leaders need more than surface opinions about the men who might possibly fit the role of Elder. They need a way to evaluate and train those candidates.
This workbook-style handbook is designed to help church leaders do just that, in a wise, careful, and thoroughly Biblical way.
Some contexts where this handbook may be helpful:
- When an existing Elder team needs to bring others onto their team
- When a Pastor needs to establish an Elder team from scratch
- When an Elder team needs a “refresher” about their role, or would like additional training regarding the Biblical mandate for Elders
- As a discipleship curriculum for men, where the role of Elder is held up as a “model” for how they can lead their families with the heart of a shepherd
This handbook is not offered as a magic formula or fool-proof method for finding or equipping men for the role of Elder. No such thing exists. Scripture clearly teaches that men are only appointed to the role of Elder by the determination of the Holy Spirit (Acts 20:28).
Instead, this handbook is designed to serve as a tool in that Spirit-led process. It is an aid in discerning the will of the Spirit, first through assessment of the man being considered, and secondly through training for those who appear to be called to serve as Elders.
With over 260 study questions, a variety of self-assessment tools, scripture memorization, and “quizzes” to test the candidate’s understanding and application of the concepts included, The Elder Training Handbook is a serious-minded tool for discovering, encouraging, and equipping men to shepherd, protect, and lead the New Testament church.
Entrepreneur Mind Hacks - Volume 1
What would happen in your business or career if you could maximize your productivity and creativity?
- More sales?
- Greater revenue?
- Flexibility and freedom?
- The lifestyle you want and need?
- More product development and interest?
Learn how successful entrepreneurs excel in the areas of productivity and creativity in this amazing compilation of tips, tricks, and hacks from these 17 successful entrepreneurs!
In “Entrepreneur Mindhacks: Volume 1” you get the hard-learned insights of successful entrepreneurs to help you maximize your effectiveness, increase your bottom line, amplify your earnings, and make your clients and customers even happier than they are now!
These skilled and savvy entrepreneurs are going to take you on a guided tour of how they think about their lives and how they organize to do amazing things in the world!
Who are these entrepreneurs?
(Listed alphabetically by last name):
- Andrea Beltrami – online marketer & content expert
- Donnie Bryant – copywriter extraordinaire
- Stephanie Calahan – business coach and consultant
- Julie Coraccio – Organization consultant and lifestyle coach
- Dan Crask – Branding expert
- Rick Eliason – Digital Marketing Consultant
- Susan Finch – Marketing, PR, and Web Pro
- Carey Green – Entrepreneur, Pastor, Content Producer
- Ryan Healy – Award-winning copywriter
- Phyllis Khare – Marketing Consultant
- Jim Kukral – Consultant, Author, Podcaster, and Coach
- Daniel J. Lewis – Freelance designer, Podcast consultant, and Speaker
- Tom Morkes – Author, entrepreneur, and coach
- Katrina Pfannkuch – Creativity consultant and catalyst
- Tom Rolfson – Marketer, Systems Specialist
- Martin Shervington – Executive coach, personal development trainer, marketing consultant
- Tommy Walker – Online Marketing Strategist
You’d expect only the best insights and wisdom from a group like that, and it’s exactly what you’ll get in “Entrepreneur Mind Hacks.”