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A wrong morning mindset is at the root of most of your daily struggles.

I’m convinced of it.

The reason I’m convinced is because I’ve had my own share of struggles.

Doubt, fear, worry, depression, anxiety, panic, “what ifs”, negativity, condemnation, insecurity… they are all part of what assails us every single day of our lives.

And every one of them is a mental battle first of all.

Yes, there’s emotion, and circumstances, and relationships, and weather, and physical maladies, and spiritual forces, and all other kinds of things that influence those battles, but how we deal with them mentally is what counts.

That’s because we’ve been wired to operate from a mental orientation.

What we BELIEVE determines how we ACT… which in turn determines the course of our LIVES.

  • think believe actWhy is anyone in prison? Because they DID something illegal.
  • Why did they do it? Because they BELIEVED it would get them something they wanted.
  • Why did they believe it would get what they wanted? THAT is an issue of MINDSET.

What you and I believe determines how we act, which in turn determines the course of our lives.

Look at the list of daily struggles near the beginning of this post. Go ahead and add your unique struggles to it. Now consider this fact:

Jesus has already given us the remedy to every one of those, and thousands more.

Really, He has.

But we don’t believe it – not when it counts.

Emotion, and circumstances, and pain and many more things convince us that the truth of what Jesus has done for us is not true enough for us to rely on. We become fearful, anxious, worried, and stressed. Our insecurities rise up like mountains and push down hope. The pain from the past tells us nothing will ever change.

And that again, is an issue of mindset. No, it’s an issue of DAILY MINDSET.

You can set the stage for a better day

But it will require you to become intentional about filling and protecting your own mind.

It will require you to violently destroy some old habits (like hitting the “snooze” button) so that you can build some new ones (like I’ll describe below).

This is more than daily quiet time or morning devotions. This is war.

This is the battle to renew your mind for the sake of the life Jesus means for you to live.

And it starts every morning, because every day you will be opposed.

It starts when you rise each day because the world, the flesh, and the devil want to keep you down.

I’m confident that if you and I take God at His word and use His word to renew our minds… we will see miraculous things happen in our lives.

The 30-day Morning Mindset challenge

I’m challenging you to make the next 30 days a turning point in your life. With the help of the Holy Spirit of God you will see dramatic changes in yourself and as a result, your life will change for the better.

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Here’s the details of the morning mindset challenge: It begins the night before…

  • Before you go to sleep each night ask the LORD to enable you to rise quickly and with determination the next morning
  • Set your alarm to allow you 45 minutes of uninterrupted time before you have to meet the day
  • Set out your Bible, a journal/notebook, and a pen/pencil
  • Remind yourself, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13)
  • Go to sleep
  • When your alarm goes off, get out of bed immediately (remember, you asked God to help you, so trust that He will).
  • Grab your stuff
  • Get your coffee/tea/water – whatever
  • Sit down and walk through the following outline…

Using a biblical pattern from Philippians 4: 4-9, work through R-R-T-P – Rejoice – Request – Think – Practice

R - rejoice Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

  • In this step you’ll be getting your mind off of you and the problems you see and onto the glory of God!
  • Write down every reason you can think of to REJOICE in the LORD. Use your Bible to find more (the Psalms will be very helpful).
  • Focus on Who He is and what He has done.
  • Let the glory of Who YOUR God is soak into your mind.
  • Then actively, intentionally rejoice!

set the stage for god to do somethingR - rejoice Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

  • Here’s the chance to off-load those cares and concerns. It’s an amazing relief to the mind and heart.
  • Make your REQUESTS to God. Write them out in prayer form.
  • Focus on things you’d normally be anxious, worried, or stressed about.
  • Rest in the promise that God’s peace will guard your heart and your mind when you give Him your requests.
  • Then actively, intentionally rest in His peace!

T- THINK Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy —  think about such things.

  • Here’s where you take control of your own mind.
  • Write down everything you can THINK of that is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Again, your Bible is a great asset in this.
  • Specifically focus on things God says about YOU that fit into those categories (you are holy, just, not condemned, a saint, accepted, loved, etc.). Use your Bible.
  • Let the truth of what God has done for you soak into your heart and mind.
  • Then, actively, intentionally resolve yourself to THINK on those things all day long!

p-practice Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—  put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

  • Now it’s time to act, time to decide what you will do with the wonderful day the LORD has given you.
  • Consider the good Christian examples you’ve seen in your lifetime – personal and biblical. Consider the good, biblical things you’ve been taught. Again, your Bible will help.
  • Write down the things those people PRACTICED as a result of their faith. Write down what you’ve been taught to PRACTICE in light of your typical daily struggles.
  • Write down what you commit to PUT INTO PRACTICE in the day ahead.
  • Rest in the promise that the God of peace will be with you!

Rejoice – Request – Think – Practice

It’s a systematic pattern to help you take control of your mind every morning before the cares of the day can rise up.

You’ve got to do this. So do I.

It’s our responsibility to renew our minds, to THINK as Jesus intends for us to think.

When we do, God’s power and peace will be ours as we face whatever comes each day.

Will you take the 30-day Morning Mindset Challenge with me?

Would you be willing to share what happens?

I’d love to hear it in the comments below – or you can contact me at Carey (at) CareyGreen (dot) com.